Mountain Bike Skills Courses

Mountain Bike Skills Courses

Nothing beats the feeling of learning new skills on your mountain bike

As mountain bikers we spend a small fortune on kit. We buy the latest bike, components and accessories in the belief that it will make us better riders and enhance our enjoyment of the sport. Let’s face it, who doesn’t like some shiny new kit? And to be fair, some items do add to your experience. But nothing is more satisfying than improving your mountain bike skills! 

mountain bike skills courses
pump track skills courses

Commit to improvement and get more enjoyment from your riding

I’ve seen lots of confident riders with their own little Achilles heels; don’t like drops, hate steeps, terrified of roots etc. Sometimes these skills gaps can just slow you down and have you serving up the excuses to your friends when you finally catch up at the foot of the trail. Sometimes they can mean the difference between being able to ride a trail and having to get off and push.

One option is to become adept at choosing rides or runs that omit your ‘pet hates’. You can kid yourself that you’re becoming a better rider. You never fall off right? Trouble is, you’re always left with that secret sense of disappointment at not conquering your demons. A much better option is to identify your weaknesses and get some help. For less than the cost of a set of carbon handlebars you could have a full day of coaching. Have someone show you where you’re going wrong and move you past those pesky sticking points. The joy of a new bike component soon wears off. The satisfaction of confidently blasting through trails that used to scare you, will last for the rest of your riding career.

Mountain bike skills courses in Yorkshire & The North East

Our courses run at Dalby Forest.

Mission MTB coaching is always in small groups (no more than 6 riders). This ensures you get lots of personal attention. You’ll receive personalised coaching and guidance along with slow-motion video analysis, to help move your technique to the next level.

Choose training. Choose improvement. Get on a mission!

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